How to Support Artist and the Arts During COVID-19

COVID-19 has affected most of us in many ways. Our health, family and the way we interact with others. Most of us are either furloughed or laid off. It’s as though everything has been slowed down. I don’t know how it is where you live, but where we are, things outside are sort of screeching down to a halt, and mostly everyone is staying in and avoiding public places as much as they possibly can. It is just good common sense to do that right now. There’s serenity that comes from slowing way down and living a much simpler, quieter life. I relocated my art studio back at home. A big benefit of that has been that we spend a lot of time together at home. It is where I am happiest, and I absolutely love staying in, cooking homemade meals, painting, playing music and singing, and being entirely present with and for my family.

Since COVID- 19 is dictating that we stay home as much as possible, why not embrace the mindset of a simpler life and view this as an opportunity to focus on being productive, positive, and proactive in accomplishing things we may have been putting off, due to busy schedules that kept us outside the home.
