Rise of Eve

Rise of Eve

from $450.00

"The Rise of Eve," a compelling painting that turns the age-old narrative of Adam and Eve on its head. Celebrating the apple as a symbol of knowledge and power, this artwork serves as an inspiring testament to women's empowerment and intellectual freedom. Delve into the vivid colors and fluid shapes that tell a story of resilience and self-education, encouraging women everywhere to rise and embrace their potential.

Acrylic & Collage Paper on Canvas


Original Available

Let's Knot WhyKnot-de-TRONJA.jpeg

Let's Knot

from $110.00
Sold Out


Black Bushi

Black Bushi

Daughters of the Dust DOTFRACAN1620_TRONJA.png

Daughters of the Dust

from $100.00
Barren one and many are my daughters BarrenOne-Close1TRONJA.jpg

Barren one and many are my daughters
